Saturday, 12 January 2008

Folksonomies and social tagging

Part of Wikinomics is the change of consumers into prosumers. They contribute to the production processes of service providers. It seems that policy, government, etc. is a good application area to integrate closely with citizens and companies with respect to future developments and service delivery. However, this leads to a great many questions at this time, e.g. which tools to apply, how to change your interaction with citizens and companies, etc. In this particular case, we just forget about organizational changes and functional profiles of civil servants. We do not yet know what the effects will be, we just have to get things started.

Wikinomics: how to apply the concepts?

With much interest I have been reading the book of Don Tapscott and Williams on Wikinomics. It is very stimulating, but after some chapters it is repeating itself. On the other hand there is the book of Keen stating that such an environment leads to too much information, in which the real information gets lost. I find it challenging to see how the concepts can apply in my profession as consultant in applied research. Do processes of my customers change, what is the impact of the new technology and how can I get these process changes activated? These are some of the questions that are bothering me. Any suggestions are welcome.